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Beautiful Warrior

About Me


Yoga and meditation have been part of my life for twenty years since, when seeking to balance a busy first graduate job, I first discovered the bliss they offered my body and mind. Maintaining that elusive state of embodied enlightenment whilst living a full, regular life in London soon became a passion.

My yoga journey began with the rigorous alignment of Iyengar yoga and continued through the athleticism of yinyasa flow, the meditative intensity of hot yoga and the restorative gentleness of yin yoga.  Several trips to India, including a one year stay offered integral peak experiences on my journey.  


A graduate of triyoga's respected two year teacher training diploma, I have received insights from the many amazing teachers visiting and based in London.  Important influences have been Panilla Marrott and Donna Farhi (asana) and Osho (meditation).


Pilates + barre +...

Finding that yoga asana didn't possess all the answers for my body, I have embraced other disciplines.  I love Pilates for its exquisite body sculpting ability and how it makes my core feel vital and strong - and barre for how it adds some oomph to my lower body workout!  Cadillac, Chair, Barrels, Trampoline and Bosu are just some of the other pieces of equipment that I experiment with to evolve my physical practice and keep it forever interesting!


So why Beautiful Warrior? Beauty - in all its many forms - has always been important to me and I’ve come to see that that is through the completeness, truth and grace of Beauty, that I sidestep the limitations of my ego and connect to our Universality.  Beauty, I've realized, is a way – my way - to oneness (or God) and I cultivate it in my life, my practice and my teaching.

...But life has its ups and downs too and so we need to cultivate our warrior strength - both inner and outer - to be up to the challenge.  But - a very important but! - it feels good to work hard and often it is in the midst of intensity that we find the sought-after moment of integration, peace and timelessness.. 


For me, creating mind-body harmony is principally about finding the pleasure in movement, that way the mind naturally quietens of its own accord, allowing us to find the subtle inner connection to our soul.

Currently, my yoga expression has a strength and core focus, working deeply into the muscles before arriving into radiant stillness through held poses, breath work and meditation.

So you can expect a deep workout focussed on mindfully cultivating strength and a happy spine with an emphasis on rebalancing and integrating so you leave feeling grounded, centred and blissful :-)  

When not exploring ways to connect to the eternal joy and peace in the body and mind that is our birthright, I enjoy being in nature, cooking, music and basking in the sun!

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